Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About Me And My Beliefs

As a person experiencing a finite life, one tends to look for the meaning of life and a higher power. People or at least I have personally, try to find reason, some purpose for being here. Often we look up and outside ourselves. I think this is the problem, we should be looking inward, finding and creating our own purpose and happiness. We are inextricably connected to everything and everyone we make contact with. I believe that the universe is holographic. Everything is a holon, meaning both a whole and a part simultaneously. For example, as a person we are a collection of cells, organs and systems that make up a single amazing body. At the same time we are like a cog in a larger society, a student in a school, a member of a club, a citizen of a city, state, country, etc. Everything in existence deserves respect for it is the same. We are all connected and part of the whole. Ichi no zen, zen no ichi. One is All, All is One. As above, so bellow. This idea of the relationship of microcosm and the macrocosm has been expressed and study through the ages by mystics and scholars alike. Magick, to me extends beyond spellwork and rituals, it is seeing and recognizing the connectivity of all life and energy, respecting and honoring it all. Spellwork then is to harness these energies and then focus them to consciously produce desired results. In my craft I do not like to focus too much on dividing the One power into the male and feminine aspects, the God and Goddess, like some traditions do. This is because they really are just aspects of the One and are equal and complimentary. How I keep them balanced is by never worshiping one Deity alone but as an aspect of the One. Universal Consciousness has many expressions and I love them all. There can not be the Goddess without the God and vice versa. Everything is energy whether in physical form or not.
I try to live by the words: An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will. And this is in every way shape and form, mentally and physically. We are all entitled to free will and I do not have to agree with the choices of others to love and respect them. All life is sacred and I only hope for others to realize that and act accordingly. There may be aspects of religions or beliefs that I do not agree with but I do not assume that all following a certain path is defined by those aspects. And if they do, so be it as long as they do not harm or impose on others. When we learn to let go of fears and judgement we can learn more about ourselves and be open to love. My practice is personal and it draws from personal experience, various traditions and a love and reverence for life and all of Nature. I do what resonates with me and what intuitively and logically works for me. I find some merit in all religions or belief systems and try not to discriminate against those that in opposition to my own.