Monday, November 28, 2011

A Case of the Mundys - Time Warp

Oh school woes.. I don't miss that at all! I have been pretty terrible at time management in the past and it's something I continually need to work on.  Today poor chap has fallen prey to the amazing master of distraction that is the Internet.  Happy day to all! Namaste.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lost In Translation

It's that time again, folks! Monday's Mundys! Today's installment is like parfait.Delicious layered parfait. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Case of the Mundys Webcomic

Lots of funny and/or interesting things happen on a day to day basis. This strip is in honor of those mundane moments. In case you were wondering, Mundy is a (what I think to be cute) take on the word Mundane. 

New comics to come out every Monday! Please enjoy and tell me what you think!

Here is last week's first installment.

This week's installment is something we can all relate to.
