Monday, February 1, 2010


Imbolc- February 1st or 2nd- is a celebration of the unseen activity stirring beneath the surface, of things to come, as it marks an approximate midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Brighid, "the exalted one" is a Celtic goddess of poetry, healing, wisdom, craftsmanship, excellence, perfection, high intelligence and skill in warfare.
This is a good time to prepare for the coming months, concentrating on what you wish to manifest in your life. If you're interested in celebrating this day or working some magick, I suggest writing a spell or poem (extra points if it rhymes!) to have a bountiful spring so that the seeds you plant now prosper and multiply.
You might want to try taking a few small planting pots and some seeds and associating some goal/desire with each seed and as you plant that seed, you think of your goal/desire taking root and manifesting as that seed does. Nurture and care for your plants as they are connected to your magick and the energy you put into them, you are putting into your magick. This could be an excellent way to start an indoor herb garden that you may or may not transplant as the weather permits. Brightest blessings and Happy Imbolc.

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