Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Art filled April

Greetings and happy hump day to all!

I'm feeling rather bored and a little sleepy. The "itis" has kicked in from a delicious calzone for lunch followed by an amazing Guinness bacon cupcake.. Yes, you read that correctly.. Guinness and bacon in a chocolate cupcake. Sounds a little odd but it was smashing. :)

I am at vocation right now day dreaming about doing art. I have a little bit of supplies on my but I'm craving more.. Like acrylic or oil. lol

It's been a fairly busy month for me. Job hunting, my regular job, 2 art shows and a charity fashion show where I'm the featured artist. Ok that doesn't sound like a whole lot but each show requires new art so I've been doing that after work. Also, I haven't done any art shows in several months so I had a lot of prep work to do.

I have a lot of updates I need to do here, there and everywhere. I've been falling behind. I am just trying to get into the habit of blogging more frequently. Oooh ooh.. Sketchbook Project 2012 has opened! As soon as I get paid I shall order mine. :D Here's the link if you're interested too.


Well I don't have much else to say. See you soon and bright blessings to you!

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