Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Finding My Calling

Are you one of those "lucky" people that do what you love for a living or have always known what you want to do? I certainly wasn't, or was I? I think I was but I let fear and doubt get the best of me for far too long.

My whole life I have loved art.. It's been more than a hobby. If I have ever identified with any label, it has always been artist.  In my teens I stuck to drawing with pencil and pen.  Most of my work at that time was black and white.  I was almost afraid of color. Needless to say, I had no self esteem when it came to my artistic abilities at that time.  That led to about two years of producing almost no art as I struggled to find myself and my calling.

As I've mentioned before, I started college in another area I loved but didn't devote much time to... writing. If I wasn't drawing, I was usually reading or jotting down notes of things I wanted to write about.  The thing was I didn't actually write much aside from school work, letters to friends and my journal.  I felt lost.  I had always been told I was a good writer, but I didn't feel like it.  I didn't actually feel the euphoric trance that I would get with art as I'd lose myself in a piece with no concept of time.

While studying English at my University, I noticed that the art building was very close to the building that held the majority of my classes.  At this time I was already getting back into drawing and hanging cute little things on my dorm room door.  I ventured over to the art building and was awestruck. It was profound.. It was great.  It was almost the same feeling I got when I attended Comic Con SD for the first time.  I felt like I belonged.  I had found my long lost love again and this time, I had the sense to realize and appreciate it.  After that I changed my major to art.  I have never doubted that my calling is art since then.  I haven't always been as sure about what specifically in art I could do as a living.  That has become much more clear these days but I'm still working on it.

I absolutely love this little comic a fellow DeviantArt-ist made.

Like an artist by *JellyVampire on deviantART

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