Thursday, September 30, 2010

I finally got my scooter!

I've always dreamed of having my very own scooter..  and recently when deciding that it was finally time for me to get my own form of transportation I decided that I would finally fulfill my dreams of scootering. (^_^)

Sure some people made jokes and my family definitely was not thrilled as the rider is definitely more vulnerable to injury but I could not let that deter me.  I started saving up some money and decided that I would look for a used one since after doing a lot of research, the kind I wanted would be out of my budget for now.  Upon searching Craigslist for a few weeks I found a retro style 150cc scooter that was perfect for me! ... Except for the color.  It was my least favorite color- Powder Pink. But everything else about it was perfect so I called up the seller and tried to arrange a time to get it which proved to be most difficult as it was at least an hour and half's drive away  and the timing was awful.  I had to work all week and my man had symphony gigs for the next 2 weeks and the seller was busy weekends. 

I tried to work something out with the seller and she said that she would definitely hold it for me.  The date was set that I would go for it and a couple of hours before heading there, I made a courtesy call to make sure the seller was alright with it.  She tells me then that she sold it...  My heart sank.  I had been so excited about it for 2 weeks already and this lady who told me not to worry sold it to someone else without even letting me know.

Despite my urges, I refrained from telling that lady off or getting too upset.  After all that wouldn't make the scooter suddenly available to me.  I got back on Craigslist and to my surprise there were 2 new posts that looked promising.  I made a few calls and well ended up getting a different scooter that afternoon.  The scooter I ended up with is larger than the one I first had my eyes on but it felt so right and it's even my old school colors. LOL  Go Raiders!

It's so much fun and I can't wait until the weekend when I can go riding again! There are a couple of things I have to fix on it but I'm actually excited to do it myself.  Although things didn't go as planned I am quite happy and grateful.

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