Monday, May 30, 2011

Wishing you a bright and wonderful day this Memorial Day!

Hello you beautiful people, you! I'm a bit late with this post but late is better than never!  The day really got away from me.  Time flies when you're having fun. :D  I had a nice quiet day with some of my family today and I hope you all got to do stuff you enjoy.

I'm going to work on some art this evening as I've got a number of art shows coming up.  The next show is Sunday June 5th at an awesome place called the Percolator.  Most El Pasoans are probably familiar with this place already as they often do fun events for arts and music in the area.  I need to do a bit of restocking of my items and I have a ton of other projects I'm working on too... comics, 2 art contests, "fine art" pieces, and so on.

Screen Capture of something I'm working on today:

As always, lots of love and blessings to you!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Digi Art!

I have been so enthralled with all forms of art lately... ok always, but lately I've really been into digitally created art.  This medium is quite amazing and the effects you can get are outstanding.

I downloaded some trial versions of software I've had my eye on for a while now.  The purpose was to narrow down which one I'd get, as I didn't want to spend a lot of money.  The problem was when I fell in love with both! Haha. So yeah, when they came up for sale on Amazon, I snagged them.  I got the email yesterday saying they had shipped. :D
If any of you fabulous people have experience with either of these, send me a pic of your work! I'd love to see what you've made with them!  I'll be posting my stuff up here as well.  I'm just learning Sketchbook (the trial hasn't run out yet) so I've only just done some doodles in it but I'm going to try and play with it as much as possible today.

Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing day!  Happy Friday and Memorial Weekend! Yay!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Updates and Comics

Hello all.  It's Thursday and I feel fabulous.  I hope you do too!

So my plans to blog more often have not been going as well as I had hoped. Hehe.. I've been a bit preoccupied with drawing and working on some comic book projects.  I'm not really sure that I can go into details about either so my apologies for being vague. 

On "Project A" I am working out character designs and concept art as I wait on the script. The most challenging aspect is I guess the space ship and then building characters without really knowing their personalities.  It's so fun though. 

"Project B" is a bit further along.  I have half of the script on this one so I have started pencils on the first several pages.

I'm pretty excited about both endeavors and I really wish I could share more details on them but I haven't asked and I'm hesitant to do so anyways because I feel like both projects are still in their infancy. I've had little time for other art stuff.  Part of my excitement on this is that I plan on going to Comic Con in San Diego this year and I'm using these projects to build my portfolio so I can take that with me to get seen and critiqued. 

I've also been trying to learn some new graphic software I've been wanting.  I downloaded trials for Manga Studio Debut 4 and Sketchbook Pro in an effort to decide which one I would treat myself to.  Mission failed! I want them both! Hahaha!  With the recent realization that I will be going to Comic Con, I've decided I should wait a little longer on both so I may save money and pay for room and transportation immediately.

It doesn't help that job hunt hasn't been going well.  I've lost count on how many places I've applied to but I am not discouraged.  I do believe in the order of the universe and I feel that I am on the right path.  Soon the perfect job will come.. I'd like to think that is simply full-time artist. :D  I'm working towards it.

Since I don't really have any pics to share right now I will leave you all with this.  This is just a screen shot of a character design I was toying around with in Gimp with my new laptop and a tablet I've had for ages and never took advantage of.  

I wish you many blessings and happiness! 