Monday, June 27, 2011

Farmers Market!!

Greetings all you gorgeous people!

I've been oh so busy but it is grand! Lots of art projects going on and I love it! 

This past Sunday was my first time participating in the local farmers market at the Outlet Mall here in El Paso.  Boy was it hot!! The shade covers almost all of the area so that was nice.  I set up my booth with my jewelry, a few small original art pieces, prints, crochet hats and whatnot.  I hope to take a lot more next time since I will have another table to spread out.

It was fun.. almost like camping. lol Lots of friendly people and cool stuff offered for sale.  There wasn't as much traffic as anyone would have liked but it was probably due to the heat.  If you're in the EP area, you should definitely check it out sometime.  It runs from 9am - 1pm every Sunday.

So now I must go work on new inventory for next weekend and work on some comic pages!

Peace and love to you and yours!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Words for Wednesday

It's been busy since last Wednesday! I had an art showing on Friday, Saturday was chore day, on Sunday we scouted out the farmer's market, Monday and Tuesday I had work. After work yesterday I went to get a bite to eat with my other half and one of our friends at a great little restaurant we frequent called Jerusalem.  After that we went to see Rush at the Don Haskins Center and it was fantastic!

I've never actually been a big fan of them myself but I'm surround by people in my life that love them and that is why I went.  Boy am I glad I did too.  I have a new found appreciation for them.  They were amazing!  And their stage/tour theme was awesome! The theme is "Time Machine" and everything was all decked out in steampunk style.  It was eye and ear candy for like 2 and a half hours! I loved it. :)

I loved Alex Lifeson's custom amps!

Picture from

Well that's all for now. I'm going to do some sketching before bed.  
Maybe watch a little of my current Asian Drama.. lol 

Peace and love.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Hump Day!

Yes, I realize it is rather late in the day to be making such exclamations but hey, I've been busy.  :P 

I'm really trying to keep up my productivity despite being busy with so much other non-art activities.  As a result though, I should have more things to post on the blog at this rate.

I'm working with Adversary Comix and one of the cool dudes from there asked for us to draw up some zombie girls in a pin up style to promote the title "Hot Zombies."  This is the one I finished last night.  I may have to add in some lettering but otherwise it is done.

11 x 17 Marker, Ink, and Watercolor on Bristol

The top is a little cropped off in this photo but I took it on my phone so there you go. :D  Hope you enjoyed! Leave me a comment! See you all Friday hopefully!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Death of a Painting

Yesterday, as I was preparing a few pieces of art to show at the Percolator's first "Primer Domingo Art Show," I found out that my ultra moist apartment had resulted in one painting growing fur. It was quite a bummer and I had to throw away a piece from my Yellow Submarine series.  It will be missed.

 Yellow Submarine
Born 2010  Died 2011

With the help of my other half, we quickly started checking all other hanging art in the apartment.  Luckily nothing else was growing anything.  After that, we went to the store and invested in a few fans so that we could stop using the swamp cooler as much as possible.

Aside from that, not a whole lot to "report" on but I will keep you all posted.  I'm still working on the comics and a few contests. I've been doing more polymer clay jewelry as well so stay tuned for pictures of all that!

Brightest blessings! Namaste.