Monday, June 27, 2011

Farmers Market!!

Greetings all you gorgeous people!

I've been oh so busy but it is grand! Lots of art projects going on and I love it! 

This past Sunday was my first time participating in the local farmers market at the Outlet Mall here in El Paso.  Boy was it hot!! The shade covers almost all of the area so that was nice.  I set up my booth with my jewelry, a few small original art pieces, prints, crochet hats and whatnot.  I hope to take a lot more next time since I will have another table to spread out.

It was fun.. almost like camping. lol Lots of friendly people and cool stuff offered for sale.  There wasn't as much traffic as anyone would have liked but it was probably due to the heat.  If you're in the EP area, you should definitely check it out sometime.  It runs from 9am - 1pm every Sunday.

So now I must go work on new inventory for next weekend and work on some comic pages!

Peace and love to you and yours!

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